GLFR 5.0 is finally here

With GLFR 5.0 everything is new, but most is as it has always been.
Check out the video below to get an introduction to your new and improved Golf and Club App
(Video in English will come soon)

Known issues – help us make GLFR 5 better

Every line of code for the new app is completely new, so even though GLFR has been around for 7(!) years, GLFR 5 will probably have some errors here and there.
If you experience an issue, a button that looks weird or find a missing feature, please let us know on and we’ll update as soon as possible.

Zooming and distances lock up

Sometimes zooming or marking distances stops working out of nowhere. The easiest fix right now is to click back on the arrow in the top left and then “Resume Game” in the tab at the bottom of the Home screen. This will reset the course guide (not the scorecard!) and things should work again. The issue has only been reported on iPhones so far.
This issue acts a bit random, and we are still working on a fix!

Issues that have already been fixed

Apple Watch not syncing scores correctly

Users are experiencing issues with the Apple Watch integration not saving scores correctly to the phone and jumping to wrong holes. Currently, the Apple Watch is pretty much useless 😱
We have completely reworked how the watch integration works, and are really close to a stable solution that even outperforms the integration on GLFR 4.
Check out this video of how promising the current beta build looks:
Fixed in GLFR 5.1.1, which was released on the 12th of June

Scores reset after adding or removing shots

Some users experience that scores they have just entered “reset” shortly after adding or removing shots. This can happen if you are faster than the connection to the server. To get around it right now, wait 3-5 seconds before adding or removing shots , the let the server sync up with the app before editing.
Fixed in GLFR 5.1.1, which was released on the 12th of June

Logging in with email – where is the button?

This error is related to the text size error and smaller screens. If you have either large text or a smaller screen (less than 5″), the login button can be hard to find. But, after clicking “other options”, it is the button in the bottom right side of the screen, next to the Sign Up with Email button 👍
This should be fixed in version 5.0.8 or greater, so update now if you haven’t already.

Scores not saving correctly

When using “Simple Scoring”, where score input shows up after every hole, sometimes the scores are not saved. To fix this for now, simply count to 5 after setting up the scores, to give the app time to sync with the server.
This should be fixed in version 5.0.8 or greater, so update now if you haven’t already.

Layouts of scorecard and buttons look weird

In GLFR 5.0 we’ve added an option for larger text (see it in the profile). Unfortunately, this can result in a bad UI if your phone settings also try to force extra large texts. This especially affects the layout of the scorecard. The temporary fix should be setting text size to Small in the Profile of GLFR undtil we find a way to support even larger texts from the phone settings 🧐
This should be fixed in version 5.0.8 or greater so update now if you haven’t already.

11 Comments. Leave new

  • NĂ„r jeg vĂŠlger at se scorekort pĂ„ min Samsung s21 bliver der kun vist 2Âœ af de valgte spillere. Det ville vĂŠre rart at man kunne se alle 4, nĂ„r man vĂŠlger den mindste skrifttype. Er det ikke muligt at tilfĂžje en funktion, sĂ„ man fra scorekort blot ved tryk pĂ„ hul nr. vil have mulighed for at redigere eller indtaste score direkte i scorekort

    • Hej Tommy
      NĂ„r du er inde pĂ„ scorekortet kan du oppe til hĂžjre trykke pĂ„ en lille funktion som er to pile der peger ind imod to lodrette streger. Hvis du trykker her “kollapser” scorekortet og fylder markant mindre. Det er ikke pĂ„ alle telefoner at man kan se alle 4 spillere, men det bliver meget lettere at overskue.
      Tryk pĂ„ ikonet igen for at udvide scorekortet, sĂ„ du kan se alle detaljer igen 🙂

  • Lissi SĂžrensen
    04/06/2024 20:03

    Kan det passe at man ikke kan se banen pÄ Apple Watch S9 45 mm

  • The par scores on a couple of holes for my home place (Tullamore / Ikast) are incorrect – can I manually adjust that? Otherwise, love the app 🙂

  • Apple watch not pairing following the latest update. Do you have a solution?

  • GĂŒnter Schneider
    25/06/2024 11:30

    Leider nicht auf Deutsch

  • Árni Árnason
    25/06/2024 12:35

    GA er minn heimaklĂșbbur.


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